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Please send the following by fax at any time to the various embassies. You can do it for free from Myfax.
Español / Spanish:
Excelentísimo Sr. Embajador:
Nemat Safavi se encuentra a la espera de que el Tribunal Supremo ratifique la sentencia de un tribunal de la ciudad de Ardabil, en el Azerbayan iraní, que lo condena a muerte.
Se le acusa de practicar sodomía cuando contaba con 16 años de edad y desde esa edad se encuentra privado de libertad y sin garantías de seguridad, ahora tiene 19 años.
La República Islámica de Irán tiene firmados 2 acuerdos internacionales comprometiéndose a proteger a los menores y a no condenar a muerte a personas que fueran menores en el momento de cometer el “delito” en cuestión.
Por todo esto le solicito que como representante de su país, transmita esta queja y solicite que se cumpla con estos acuerdos y se revise la sentencia de este joven. Asimismo, le agradecería que tenga a bien informarme de la situación de esta persona, así como la apertura de una investigación exhaustiva e imparcial sobre este caso.
Desearía asimismo que en nombre del “Dios Misericordioso”, a quien aseguran que Nemat ha ofendido con su amor sincero por otro ser humano, perdonasen la vida de este chico honrado y trabajador y le dejasen marchar al exilio donde pueda rehacer su vida.
Confiando en recibir prontamente noticias suyas, acepte usted mi atento saludo.
Inglés / English:
Dear Sir:
I write to express my grave concerns for the safety of Nemat Safavi, following reports that he has been sentenced to death allegedly due to homosexual activity. According to reports and world press coverage, Nemat Safavi, was arrested when he was only 16 years of age and charged with lavat (sexual relations between men). He has since been condemned to death by a court in Ardebil, in the northwest Azerbaijan region.
In 2007, when Mr. Ahmadinejad visited the USA, you made a public statement that Iran did not execute people because of their sexuality. Nemat Safavi does not appear to have committed any of the crimes for which you stated Iran delivers the death penalty. I am aware that Iran continues to charge people with lavat and also that other laws are used to justify the execution of homosexuals in Iran. I have grave concerns that your government continues to persecute the Iranian gay, lesbian and bisexual community and is, in fact, still executing people due to their homosexuality.
In addition to this, Nemat was reportedly 16 years of age at the time of his arrest and as such was still a minor. As you are aware, Iran has signed on to two conventions agreeing not to execute juvenile offenders. Executing Nemat would be a flagrant violation of both Article 6(5) of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
I ask that Iran live up to its commitments to its children and young people and immediately cease all executions of juvenile offenders.
I ask that Iran cease and desist from persecuting the gay, lesbian and bisexual community. I ask that you ensure that gays, lesbians and bisexuals living in Iran are not executed for their sexuality, are treated fairly by the police and justice system and that you take steps to ensure justice for all your citizens.
Finally I ask for an immediate stay of execution for Nemat Safavi and call for his immediate release from gaol.
I respectfully request that you consider these issues as a matter of urgency. I am not alone in my concerns for Nemat Safavi and the homosexual community in Iran and I ask that you act quickly to improve this situation.
Yours Sincerely, YOUR NAME HERE
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